Real reveals

But and ben

But and ben take 2

In Scotland a But and ben is a little cottage getaway. The ‘but’ is an outer room or sometimes kitchen, the ‘ben’ a cosy inner room. Regular readers will recall that I was lucky enough to spend a month in an off-grid but and ben last year, and I haven’t stopped going on about it […]

Things I have in common with Donald Trump

Wild hair, I suppose. But really it’s desk style. I was amused by this picture in the… yeah… Daily Mail of the Commander in Chief’s desk in Trump Tower. Look at the state of it. Teetering piles of crap everywhere. And here’s mine…

Real Reveal: Black not bleak

Hiya all and Happy New Year – I’m just emerging from a ‘heavy winter cold’, just like the Queen. Having had family over for Christmas I’m finally feeling well enough to enjoy the fruits of my labours before they arrived – i.e. an epic (for me) decorating project.

Christmas tree

A Christmas Hovel

No-ho-ho! Not my gaff. I’m sharing with you this amazing Hastings home owned by Alastair Hendy, restored by him to something like its original Tudor glory. We’ve visited here before, of course, when I was mooning over stone-floored bothies with tin baths. But this time, well it’s decorated for the season.

A carpet and a christening

As Christmas approaches the efforts to make the house warm and respectable gather pace. Latest instalment – a carpet. Yes, the very item of decor I thought I’d go the rest of my life without having, I’ve just dropped a significant amount of money on. The house has lovely old floorboards which I have sanded […]