This is 50…


photographs by Kristin Perers

…and this is a professional selfie by photographer Kristin Perers on her gorgeous blog This is 50. ‘I started it as I was approaching my own 50th,’ she says. ‘Coming from a background of fashion photography and before that styling – which for better or worse are highly influenced by image – I was nearly 50 and thought “where are my role models?”.’  Happily she’s spent some time answering that on a forum that’s now full of them.

Here’s a beautiful story she shot on Neisha Crosland, for example.


Kristin’s subjects are very varied, beautiful, interesting and creative generally, which makes the blog relevant to all women, not just women of a certain age (fyi I’ve been wearing ripped jeans with massive turn ups ever since discovering it). She says that many of her subjects are reluctant to be photographed at first, but the shared concern about our youth-obsessed culture helps them to overcome their fears. You suspect Kristin’s own charms help with this too.

Among the profiles, there’s also a nice piece about the photographer’s annual winter pilgrimage to Cornwall, full of super moody shots.


And, in the course of writing this Kristin has just added a MFH favourite blogger That’s Not My Age to her collective – shout out Alyson! – who we’ve only ever known virally, but who has basically just started a whole new embellished jeans fascination. *


 Get yourself over there.

*In fact that’s a statement necklace as the more eagle eyed among you might have spotted.

3 Responses to “This is 50…”

  1. That's Not My Age
    March 6, 2014 at 6:33 pm #

    Thanks for the shout out & let’s meet in the real world soon!

  2. Kimberly Hughes
    March 7, 2014 at 8:36 am #

    Absolutely wonderful. Having hit my 40’s recently, I’ve found it hard to adjust to and I’m looking for role models myself. What a fabulous blog, I’m in love with it. So much beauty in these images and so much sparkle in their eyes – it gives me so much hope that just because my youth is leaving me, doesn’t mean that life is somehow over now. Thanks for sharing xx

    • myfriendshouse
      March 10, 2014 at 12:25 pm #

      It’s great isn’t it? She has a fantastic eye.

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