Back to being busy…

Oh god, it’s the first day back at work. All those Christmassy thoughts of new ways of doing things, a better life, a tidier house, all squashed back in their box again by the sheer weight of nonsense foisted on one during the typical working day. Facebook has been a-flutter with memes on the subject of ‘being less busy’ this last week. Usually posted by the same people who are posting their running stats and pictures of stacks of home-made jam. There’s even a book out, which I got tempted into reading the puff-piece for on the Guardian, about how to have a less stressful life by ‘not giving a fuck’. The author’s definition of not giving a fuck is making sure you write your host a thank you letter so they aren’t offended when you turn down some unspecified future invite. Sheesh….


Not being busy – I’m all for it. My own month-long trip to an off-grid cottage in 2015 was essentially an exercise in getting away from a lot of things that seemed important but that I suspected if I could get away from for a bit would turn out not to be. And so it proved. Thing is, once you’re back in the real world it’s hard to maintain. And so here I am again, procrastinating over work, and after having checked the papers, Facebook, Twitter etc, I turned to the ever wise, funny and inquisitive blogger Jo over at Toot As In Foot for something – anything! – to read next. Her latest post was about how she has come off Facebook, the better to find things to think about that matter to her. And where did she point me…. but this brilliant list of life advice from authors, artists and philosophers.

Inspirational quotes

Only the second on this list is the advice to “Resist Absentminded Busyness” from Kierkegaard (paraphrasing I assume). Right on. Bertrand Russell turns up shortly after, urging us to “make room for fruitful monotony.” Will do. The full list is really great, and also makes you (me) want to read all the books the author of the list has drawn from. It ends, like every good life-improving list should – with a nugget from Kurt Vonnegut. If you’re at a loose end today, your boss is in a meeting or whatever, I urge you NOT to check you Facebook for the umpteenth time today, and look at this subversive and comforting list instead. And then the compulsively busy among you might want to pick one of the quotes to make into an inspiration meme to be shared on Pinterest.
Polish proverbs


7 Responses to “Back to being busy…”

  1. Carol
    January 4, 2016 at 6:03 pm #

    Not my circus not my monkeys! Love it! Thanks for the article recomendation – I loved that too! Happy new year x

  2. Jane
    January 5, 2016 at 7:13 am #

    Wow, what a great reading list, if only I had time to read ! 🙂 Happy New Year

  3. fiona duke
    January 5, 2016 at 7:56 am #

    thanks for this – fab
    i also can’t stop thinking about the phrase ‘back in the real world’ as i think this ‘real world’ is becoming less and less ‘real’ everyday don’t you think………

    • Jane
      January 5, 2016 at 8:03 am #

      Haha I survive by living in my own world, works great for me

  4. Mrs B
    January 6, 2016 at 2:47 pm #

    I am loving your blog (and this article) – thanks!

    Yup it feels like this week has been all about making lists in an effort to put off actually doing anything.. Bring on Fruitful Monotony!

  5. Jo
    January 6, 2016 at 5:36 pm #

    Hey! Thats me! Thanks.
    Nice to know someone still checks in.
    I’m on to the Kibbo Kift at the mo too – there’s a show at the Whitechapel, have you been? Might have to invest in that book, unless you fancy letting me spill some tea/snot on your copy?
    Happy new year

    • myfriendshouse
      January 8, 2016 at 2:22 pm #

      Hey Jo – yes check your blog regularly. I loved the Flamenco dancing from last year. Jill is no way lending me that book, so maybe we should club together and buy a copy between us that can get as covered in coffee rings as we like. Ros x

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