The gilded cage

Ah, poor cat. Moved from a house with a garden to one without. I’ve improvised with a tray of cat grass that has proved very popular in the chew-it-up-throw-it-up stakes. But still…

Cat grass

Admittedly she’s something of a Miss Jean Brodie – in her prime, but certainly no kitten. The days of leaping about trees and wobbling along fences are behind her. She just liked to go and sit out in the jungle garden, chewing on bits of grass, Country style. Here she has a choice of two beds, endless cushions next to radiators and a sea view. But still I worry she’s a bit bored. I looked at her last night perched atop a pile of very lovely velvet cushions like the princess and the pea, snuggling up to her comb and her mouse toy, and wondered what she makes of it all.

Maurice Sendak

I worry she’s a bit like the dog Jenny in Maurice Sendak’s dark classic Higglety Pigglety Pop (doesn’t sound like a dark classic, but try it). Everything she needs but trapped in a gilded cage. She’s not even allowed to put her head out the window to sniff the sea breeze anymore, after displaying her total lack of vertigo on the 4th floor outside window sill one night. Has anyone else moved their beloved pet to a maximum security house? How did you cope with the guilt?

Penguin Classic Poets

In other news, I’d like to update you on the mystery smell, and thank everyone for their contributions in the comments. I’d just like to clear my name and say no it’s defo not a dead rat or mouse. I will never forget that sweet dissolving rodent smell and this is nowhere near. And it’s not cat pee either – thanks for the suggestion but I think I’m a bit of an expert on that front. It’s mustier, dustier and more esoteric. And it also hasn’t been back since I blogged about it…leading me to conclude it must have been a ghost. And I finally found a use for my pretty but pretentious stack of Classic Penguin Poetry books: – marking out which stairs had been varnished and should therefore not be stepped on.

4 Responses to “The gilded cage”

  1. Fiona Duke
    March 22, 2016 at 2:46 pm #

    do you have a chimney in your new place?
    if you are worried that your cat is bored then you should get a pigeon stuck down the chimney. I currently have one stuck that i am trying to release – it’s still very much ‘alive alive o’ and very flappy (but I’m so frightened when I actually got to hold it I freaked out) but anyway it is keeping the dog literally glued to the fireplace like an oscar winning film.

    just an idea !

    • myfriendshouse
      March 22, 2016 at 5:39 pm #

      owch – pigeons occasionally get into the loft and tap about on the ceiling but that sounds really traumatic. Hope you get it out. She was watching the little birdies out on the phone lines this morning, imagining to herself that she could taken them down if she fancied…

  2. Madeleine
    March 22, 2016 at 8:30 pm #

    Oh dear that sounds so sad, though I’m sure she’ll adjust in time. You’ll have to take her on outdoor holidays like the Scotland one.

    • myfriendshouse
      March 23, 2016 at 10:41 am #

      well she still has her lead from that holiday, so I thought I might even take her out to the beach. Very early in the morning, obvs, so I don’t get famous as a crazy cat lady. Too late…

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