Oh man…

…what does one say? All this and Leonard Cohen taking his leave of us too.

Leonard Cohen at home


As I listen on the radio to a discussion about the failure of the left-leaning media, I’d like to bring your attention to an excellent piece on The Guardian. A piece which demonstrates that properly paid journalism still has value. This in-depth examination of the interior style of previous Presidents – an All The Presidents’ Decorators if you will – is well worth a read.

I didn’t realise that the top man – yeah man – gets to remodel the White House so extensively when they take office. As an unpaid blogger I wouldn’t have had the time to research a piece like this, nor afford the stock shots of Nancy Reagan in the Red Room (Twin Peaks anyone?). Go Olly Wainwright. It’s the first bit of political coverage I’ve enjoyed in a while.

Leonard Cohen Hydra

For readers who would understandably prefer to think about a thoughtful, sexy, soulful man writing songs on a Greek island for a bit, check out our earlier salutes to Lovely Len here.

One Response to “Oh man…”

  1. caitlin
    November 11, 2016 at 9:22 pm #

    For what its worth, my bet is that our vile new President won’t end up decorating the White House for 2 reasons: First, he won’t be able to stiff his subcontractors and that will take the thrill out of it for him and two, he’s going to lose interest in the presidency before he can really get any work underway -all that gilding and shit takes time….

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