My desk: Tracy Kendall

Wallpaper designer Tracy Kendall

Where is your desk from?

My desk is from a designer called Jennifer Newman and what’s on it is the mix of whatever is happening at the time….

How about that deer clock?

My father collected clocks and I’ve picked up the clock-collecting bug from him. This is one of about 70 or 80 that I have – sad but true. The madder the better really and they must be cheap, no expensive clocks allowed.

Are those your own wallpapers?

The wallpapers are some that I am working on at the moment – it’s interesting to see how I can introduce red into my work.

What else is on your desk?

The glass bowl is from a glass maker called Anthony Stern. I am in awe of his skill and creativity with glass, he can literally paint with it. I keep notes on pieces of paper in this and it’s used every day. The mouse mat was a birthday present from my son, in as much bad taste as he could manage so needless to say I love it and him to bits.

Do you have a favourite pencil?

I’ve a stock of pencils still on the go from Woolworths, nice yellow ones to match the desk legs, sharpened the old fashioned way with a blade. I have never got on with pencil sharpeners.

Tell us about the blanket?

I have lots of old patchwork blankets that I use when sitting still to keep warm; I live in a very drafty Victorian flat so these keep the chill off.

What is on your computer screen?

The cat on the screen is mine, she’s called Polly. The text on the right is from a natural dyeing book I’ve just written 50% of – the other half was written by a natural dyer on the Isle of Skye.

Do you have a favourite cup or drink of choice?

Most important is of course the cup of tea. Can’t function without it. I’m even so sad as to buy cups that I like and bring them back from my travels – this is by Jonathan Adler from his store in New York.

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