Real reveal: My garden

While Chelsea’s finest – and Gwyneth Paltrow – were out perusing the best garden designs at the flower show last week, two people in south east london spent their week off work laying a square lawn, painting a standard shed and planting a handful of new – and frankly tiny – shrubs and flowers.* Yes, the garden is ready for its big reveal. And I have a whole new understanding of the term ‘mature garden’ and why it garners extra cache in a house sale…
Garden makeover What do you think? The cat loves it. My partner in crime now spends every evening setting the sprinkler on the lawn and relocating it every 10 minutes, and I watched way more Alan Titchmarsh on tv last week than I ever thought I could stomach. I really didn’t need another obsession – especially after introducing Sarah Lund and her jumpers to my routine – but this is definitely it.

* This, instead of going to Sardinia. HA.

9 Responses to “Real reveal: My garden”

  1. baby style file
    June 2, 2011 at 11:20 am #

    ooooh nice! well done mr and mrs my friends house. x

  2. lemony
    June 2, 2011 at 8:55 pm #

    Wow it’s fantastic, I love it, well done! You’ve given me some inspiration as I’m about to move house and my new little garden is looking rather sad but seeing yours has given me hope that i can transform it

  3. Helene
    June 3, 2011 at 10:36 am #

    So worth all the effort. Looks great.

  4. myfriendshouse
    June 6, 2011 at 3:48 pm #

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone, is it wrong that I just rejoiced over a day’s rain?

  5. margarita
    June 6, 2011 at 7:22 pm #

    What a change, looking very nice, in fact I may have to copy a few ideas from you, my garden is the same shape as yours and really need a lot of work, well done and now lets hope for a good summer so u can enjoy it!!!

  6. debra finn
    June 7, 2011 at 1:22 pm #

    Very impressive Jill it looks great and your friend was right to suggest a black shed, it looks fab. Well done you!

  7. myfriendshouse
    June 7, 2011 at 6:58 pm #

    Hey thank you, I was pretty pleased and had to stop myself going wild with the paint brush elsewhere.


  1. Real reveal: garden-gate « My friend's house - September 13, 2012

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  2. House tape « My friend's house - November 23, 2012

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