For sale…

…Cameron Frye’s house from Ferris Beuller’s day off. You know, the ‘hey barrabarrabarrabarrasha-wingbarra’ guy? The house is in Highland Park, Illinois and was designed by architects A James Speyer and David Haid (never heard of them) in 1953. It’s seeking to fetch $1.65m which, when you consider Hampstead prices is actually a bit of a bargain. Here’s what you get for it.

And let’s not forget the vintage car garage where it all went a bit pear-shaped for Cameron…

Or maybe you think that really happened when he ended up in Spin City years later. Anyway, you got a spare $1.65m and an inclination to own a home near Chicago?

Triangle cushion

Spotting a pattern?

Just a quick flash of another Christmas gift – one I bought this time, rather than received. These gorgeous notebooks by textile designer Tamasyn Gambell are printed on paper from a 100 year old British mill and bound in Essex, authenticity fans. Aren’t they a delight? You know how I love a matrix of multi-coloured […]