Dr Hook
Listen, I’ve got a brilliant idea for your hallway. Okay, I nicked it from a shop (Liberty, since you ask), but it’s still good and if you take from here, I can say I started a trend.
Instead of hanging boring hooks so you have a place to put your parka (or your Autumn / winter 09 cape, whatever floats your boat), stick a row of door handles on the wall. They look pretty when the coats aren’t there, and are nice and sturdy when you need them.
Liberty had a line up of the same handle, which does look cool, but there’s something nice about doing something like this in stages and mixing it up a bit. I bought one of the black door knobs from Caravan and it hung in my hall alone for ages. Until I got this old knocked about wooden one from a reclamation shop in Washington DC (that sounds smug and lets face it you could get the same from any reclamation yard). Now I’m lying in bed at night thinking about what kind of handles would look amazing next to these two. It’s a bit like having lots of different kitchen chairs around your table. You know what? I only got as far as two with that idea as well. I’m away to a car boot sale.

Choose your words carefully
OK, so it’s a huge trend – still. Printed posters of slogans with a retro, self-improving feel in pretty colours. But is it just me or are these posters more than a little bossy in tone? I can see it looks beautiful – no one is more obsessed with mustard yellow accessories than me – […]