What would you save?

Looking for blog inspiration today I read this piece on the Guardian about what objects the writer would save from a house fire. She chooses two much-mauled and mended toy lions that belong to her autistic son, and writes about the meaning that has accumulated in them over the years. Loving anything that can be turned into a quiz, I asked myself the same question.

knitted teddy bear

It’s a familiar game isn’t it, and my answers have changed over time, but the one constant answer is Mumphy. I’m a bit embarrassed, as it’s desperately sentimental and a bit girlie. But Mumphy it is. Like Whatsit’s typewriter, almost every bit of his knitted body has been darned and replaced over the years – I keep a ball of Mumphy wool specifically for this. He lives on top of the wardrobe. I suspect him of being a bit of a moth magnet. But he was made by my mum when she was 13, and was something both she and Grandma had a strange revernce for. So I do too.

What what you save…? Please tell.

3 Responses to “What would you save?”

  1. Glamorous Glutton
    March 14, 2012 at 9:13 am #

    It would have to be the family photos. Not having many ohotos of my childhood I took tons of the glam teens as they were growing up and each one reminds us of the day it was taken. It’s like a memory game which everyone joins in on. GG

  2. helene
    March 14, 2012 at 10:04 am #

    Ahh! He looks well and happy.That smile couldn’t fail to cheer you up. Has he had a picnic to celebrate his Golden Jubilee?


  1. Burning issue « My friend's house - May 22, 2012

    […] We made up what Janet Street Porter might save here. And we linked to a moving article about it here. Now we’re fascinated by (ie we’ve wasted quite a lot of time on) a new online take. […]

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