Shed time

Here is my garden, a place where the concept of Total Style could have been born:

Here is a shed that could replace the rotting wonkfest above:

Here’s how I plan to transform it into something that doesn’t look like it cost £269 from B&Q, using advice from here and here:

And here’s where I’ll head for paint to finish it off in a nice colour.

Think I can manage it by April?

3 Responses to “Shed time”

  1. Mamamia
    February 15, 2011 at 10:52 am #

    By April? No chance. Love that wildlife-shed roof-garden/giant bird table. I wonder how hard it would be to keep it looking that good. I’m imagining it could easily just look a weedy mess like when my hair needs cutting!

  2. myfriendshouse
    February 15, 2011 at 10:59 am #

    Love the shed. The pictured flora would only last for a couple of months, then require trimming severely. Would you be up for the climb? The sedum option would be longer lasting. I see a trawl through the internet coming on… gardeners’ question time and all that! MaMac

  3. myfriendshouse
    February 15, 2011 at 11:10 am #

    It is most likely going to be sedum, but the pictures of sedum roofed sheds looked almost as glamorous as the original!

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