Jumper rugs, the future?

I’m storyboarding product ideas for a design project at the moment and in my research travels came across this interesting (or is it bizarre?) rug based on traditional Aran knit sweaters. It’s by Netherlands-based designer Christien Meindertsma.

Aran rug design based on knitwear

Confused by the scale of those – I want to say doll’s – legs in relation to the rug? Here’s another only slightly less mind bending image:

Aran rug by Christien Meindertsma

Meanwhile, you may have already seen these new Milan 2010-launched Mangas Farol rugs by everyone’s favourite designer Patricia Urquiola for the brand Gandia Blasco. You can buy them here. Creating a patchwork of different wool knits, they come in four different shapes ‘to combine as sleeves,’ apparently. An idea that plain boggles my mind. I mean, are we being challenged to map out a whole jumper on the floor? And just how big does Gandia Blasco think our houses are?

Mangas rugs by Patria Urquiola

Mangas knitted rugs by Patricia Urquiola Don’t get me wrong, I actually like the ideas behind both designs. But is the future jumper rugs? Here’s a few vintage knitting patterns I found in my Mum’s cupboard, which you can enjoy while you try to answer that.

vintage knitting patterns

Chinese calendar design idea

Chinese calendar

In a high powered business meeting over at my gaff lately, My Friend enthused at the sight of this calendar, bought for under a fiver at the art shop in China Town. It’s made up of that very thin almost tracing paper and there’s a great satisfaction to ripping a page off every day. Not […]