Buying art

I have lots of stuff on the walls, but mostly I would say it’s graphics, rather than art. Charlie Harper’s bird illustrations, a periodic table from a child’s encyclopaedia, an old map or an Indian safety poster – all of these grace the walls of my flat and I love them.

Periodic table print

But until now I’ve never bought a piece of original art that hasn’t been owned by someone else first. Who has the money, for one thing? And anyway, it’s almost always more graphic things that grab me. The other day I was trawling Margate blog The Curio for inspiration on doing up my flat, and was looking at the home of artist Jill Pantony.

Jill Pantony

Images: Jo Willis

I saw a shot of a painting on the wall that I was immediately taken with. I dragged it off onto my desktop and kept looking at it all day. And every time I liked it just as much. It was a while before I looked up Jill’s own work, and saw – when does this ever happen – that the painting was for sale.

Jill Pantony

Last Sunday I went to meet Jill and look at her lovely paintings in person. Many of the pictures are painted onto found wood, and are of holiday caravans in nearby Seasalter. After a pleasant chat I walked home with the picture I’d been admiring wrapped in bubble wrap, tucked under my arm. My first original piece of art. I put it up in the empty flat, and it instantly felt like home. If you’d like to see more of Jill’s work, then start here. It’s lovely.

Seasalter caravans




3 Responses to “Buying art”

  1. Visual Philosophy
    August 9, 2013 at 1:12 pm #

    Love the periodic table! Such a great curio. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Madeleine
    August 9, 2013 at 8:44 pm #

    Love that story.
    I bought a little still life oil painting of a brown betty teapot, a tea towel and a vase. I bought it from an elderly lady and it was the first oil painting she’d ever done. I completely love it. It’s so satisfying when you buy something you love that’s not a commodity.

  3. Elly x
    August 10, 2013 at 12:46 pm #

    Oh man- I love that painting! I am in full agreement- art makes a place feel like a home. The government has a own your own are scheme that is brilliant for first time buyers. Good luck!

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