Anatomy of a desk

Oh, My Friend, don’t get me started on obsessively grouping books for visual effect. I wrote the, er, yeah…

It’s a subject I’m sure I’ll return to (and return to) but one of these micro book collections does make a passing appearance in what I was going to post about today, namely, my desk.

I have always had a thing about desks and offices. An office is anywhere you can get together a table, a heavy old typewriter, some maps and lists pinned to the wall, and a ready supply of coffee. It’s a mix of the personal and the practical, and revealing about its owner because of that. So, with that spirit of openness in mind, here – only slightly tidied for the camera – is a pic and a quick run down of where I work (sometimes):

yellow formica-topped kitchen table

pantone mug (now smashed)

collection of 70s adventure fiction in red 60s book-roll (possible design classic? – must check)

pictures including Jurgen Teller’s swimming pool, a Paul Smith tapestry design for The Rug Company, and a tiny picture of Big Daddy

view of Slim Jim’s Cafe (not shown)

Actually on the wall on the bottom left is a pic of my fantasy set-up, with gorgeous Skandi desk, Anglepoise and chic paint chart. I tore it out of an interiors mag to inspire me. But mine will do for now.

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