Next year…

Yes, I know Christmas hasn’t even happened, but the smell of new beginnings has my brain agitating over the things on my to do list for next year. Here are my house resolutions so far:

1: Nail the fabric for Project Curtain…


2. Find a budget-friendly version of this window / door for my kitchen, where as I write this a wind tunnel is forming.

3. Finally deal with all the bare light bulbs in this house and get into some serious lampshade shopping.

What’s on the cards for your homes folks?

Daphna isaacs designer

Racks rock

I present the clothing rack for you this friday. Yes, the old exposed would-be-wardrobe, which might date back to the 80’s loft living boom (or way beyond for all I know), but is still so now, so edgy, so easy to work. Below is by designer Ana Kras, who’s fast becoming a favourite of mine […]

Labour poster

Labour and wait

Just spied in The Evening Standard, this picture of Ed Miliband in, presumably, his office. You know what I’m going to say, don’t you? I’m going to say a big ‘Right On Comrade’ to his choice of Keep Calm-esque, slightly bus blind-y old Labour poster. I think I read somewhere that Keep Calm came from […]