Creative with waste

Just tidied up my book shelves and found some Pentagram Papers that I was sent when I worked as a homes ed on a magazine. Design company Pentagram has been publishing curious and creative projects in these neat black books since 1975. My favourite of the few I have, is No 32 No Waste.

The focus of the book is upcycling in Cuba, a necessary trend that stemmed from the 90’s when the country entered economic crisis – a time that’s apparently known to locals as the Special Period. Now that we’re experiencing our own Special Period, the images of cobbled-together designs made out of household items chimed. Here are some home made toys using shampoo, ink and glue containers…

some party horns made from drinks cans…

and, my favourite, a taxi sign made from a plastic bottle…

Kind of humbling to see such an honest take on recycling.

The project is by Laboratorio de Creacion Maldeojo, a creative cooperative based in Havana.


Ellen and Portia installed 18 bathrooms in their house so they didn’t have to have one.* Jenny Eclair dubbed it ‘the passion killer’. Yes, today’s post is about the ensuite bathroom. Here’s mine. Aren’t I lucky to have one? Maybe not, and here’s why. If you live with someone you love right down to their assortment […]

Kate Spade sneakers

Spring look

I’ve never seen this picture of the wallpaper designer Florence Broadhurst before, but it’s going on my fridge. That’s the place where I keep a record of looks to adopt in the future. I’ve also just recently seen that Kate Spade is the latest to design using Broadhurst’s extraordinary prints, putting the  ever-lovely Japanese Floral […]