Decorating dilemmas

Election special spin-off: Palace Makeover

Presumably David Cameron is on the phone to Ilse Crawford as I write this after My Friend gently suggested that his new gaff was in need of renovations. Amid the important developments unfolding this week, it became apparent that there’s a gal in town who’d do well to take heed of the same advice. Namely, […]

Colour clash conundrum

Can’t decide if I love the clashing colour combo of this new limited edition Pumpkin armchair, or if the red one looks too much like a cat’s ass. Maybe I love it either way. Thoughts?

Trend or travesty?

Ok, My Friend, so remember when we shared an office and I used to annoy you by holding up bits of card in colour combinations that pleased me while you were trying to work… A couple of things have come into my hands that I’m obsessing over as a colour scheme option. Some fabric I’m […]

Osborne & Little Mash Up

Wallpapering everything

I’m just back from the cinema watching enjoyable trauma-drama Precious. I enjoyed it, was moved… but is it wrong to admit that the sets for the grim projects apartment in which Precious survives looked pretty damn chic to me? I think it was the mix of floral wallpaper in dingy autumn colours and black paint […]

Mood swings

I’ve got some nice-but-knackered woodwork in my hall – the cupboards under the stairs – which is crying out for some colour. Teal, I think. But a kind of dark teal. Or is it turquoise? It’s a colour that exists in my head but refuses to be pinned down when I confront the paint charts. […]